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Frequently asked questions & Errata


  • With Baron Hex’s ability, for each crystal you’d get to choose which half of the board you score on.

  • The token on it is destroyed as well and returned to the bag.

  • The token stays there, and a new tile is placed next to it.


  • A tile with a hero on it is occupied. It does not count as empty!

  • You cannot. Roads only switch two tokens, so you wouldn’t be able to place a token on top of a hero; you only switch it to a new tile. Portals can only move tokens to empty locations, and since hero spots are occupied, they cannot kill the heroes there.

  • Since hero tiles are not empty, you are never required to place a Monster there, but you always may!

  • If a Volcano is placed next to a hero, they’re defeated, but not by any player! They’re returned to the Hero supply.


  • In a tie, whoever has the highest Tile Score wins.