Super Boss Monster
For ten years, one Boss Monster has reigned supreme. But change is inevitable, and now a final Boss has taken the field! Super Boss Monster is the next evolution of the famed Boss Monster series of games. Fully backward compatible with previous Boss Monster expansions, Super Boss Monster super-charges your game with a central town board and player action selection. Just like the original Boss Monster, your job is to build the perfect dungeon to lure and destroy pesky heroes.
You’ll have to be ruthless; if you let too many heroes stack up in town, they’ll overflow into the town’s special Landmarks, gaining boosts that make them tougher to slay. But you’ll also need to be clever; Landmarks not occupied by heroes can be activated by your Minion for game-changing strategies that can make or break your turn.
This is a pre-order for the retail version of Super Boss Monster. This item will ship once Kickstarter fulfillment is complete.